Hot Topic (Brainstorm)

So any way you shake it, I want to place my story within a museum. Shocking, I know. But the how and the content would change based on the topic chosen for the project. 

Urban Legends 
I think urban legends could be particularly interesting. There could be artifacts from hauntings or sightings. And as you pass each item, the object tells it's tale. A video interface could play and the story be written like a closed caption of a documentary about the item. A mirror used to summon Bloody Mary. A car scraped by The Hook. A haunted doll. I think dolls are one of the creepiest things imaginable. It would kind of be like the Black Museum for Black Mirror (if you haven't seen that show, you really should). 

The Brother Grimm 
Items and artifacts from the stories on display for everyone to see. The focus would be on princesses and their dark and twisted tails, focusing in on aspects of stories that are not known or publicized (in favor of Disney mythos). It could be told through item labels, like you would find in a museum. Or the audio recording that would go along with an exhibit. The mirror form Snow White. A glass slipper with blood stains. Rapunzel's sheared locks. 
Squid holding sailor by Alphonse de Neuville and Édouard Riou. Hetzel edition of 20000 Lieues Sous les Mers, found on wikimedia.
Mythical Creatures 
A natural history museum featuring mythical creatures, and as you pass each exhibit you hear the tale of the animal within. The focus would be on sea creatures or water dwelling myths. Kraken, kelpie, and hippocampus would be the main feature. There would be stories of one creature and the scientist that discover it, the back story of the myth included in the discovery, and a description of the animal. 

Nursery Rhymes
A museum filled with the items of importance from Mother Goose. Peter Piper's pepper, Bo Peep's staff, and Little Miss Muffet's curds and whey. Each item would have the owner telling the story that accompanies it from their point of view. Bo Peep could be incensed and frustrated at her sheep for running away, Peter Piper could talk about how much he hates working on a farm, Little Miss Muffet could talk about dealing with arachnophobia.


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