Spinning a Tale: Week 14 Story
Opening scene, a mother and her daughter on stage.
Mother: Honey, you never do anything.
Daughter: But its just so boring. All you ever want me to do is spin spin spin and I'm not doing it I refuse.
Mother: Honey, you have to! If you don't what are you good for! Nothing!
Mother crossing stage towards daughter, closer to the window.
Daughter: Oh, so the only reason you had me was to be labor! I can't believe you don't want me! Actually, no, I can believe it. You have never shown an interest in me, just my spinning!
Queen's head pops through the window, looking in at the mother and daughter inside.
Queen: Your only interested in her spinning? Is she a good spinner? I need a good spinner.
Mother: Yes, she is wonderful! I can't get her to stop spinning. The finest quality you could ever want!
Daughter looks at the mother in confusion.
Daughter: What are you-
Mother elbows daughter in the side. She continues while looking at her mother questioningly.
Daughter: I love to spin. Its my favorite thing?
Mother: I can barely get her to stop! All she does is spin spin spin and sometimes she just needs to eat!
Queen: In that case come with me! To the castle where you can spin to your hearts content!
Daughter (aside to Mother): And maybe meet the prince!
Scene change. At the castle, Daughter is alone in a room full of flax.
Daughter: Oh no. This was not the plan. Umm, I'll just have to spin. Of course spinning. Which I certainly know how to do.
Daughter sits at wheel, and fumbles with the wheel and flax.
Daughter: I don't know how to spin. I do not know how to spin. And I will not get the marry the prince, because I can only do that if I spin all the flax in the room. And I don't know how to spin. Why did I let mother talk me into this.
Daughter, imitating her mother: Oh, you'll go to a castle and meet the prince. You'll charm him before you even ned to touch the needle. It won't be an issue!
Daughter: Well, guess what mother! It's an issue!
Daughter hears knocking at the window, crosses over to the wall. Spinsters are on the other side, listing to her rant.
Daughter: Hello?
First Spinster: We heard you from all the way out here. Are you alright?
Daughter: No, I need to spin and I don't know how! Do you know how to spin?
Second Spinster: Oh yes we are the best!
Third Spinster: And the fastest! If you need some help-
Daughter: Yes! Please! Help would be wonderful!
First Spinster: We'll help. In exchange for an invite to your wedding!
Second Spinster: And seats at the family table!
Third Spinster: And you mustn't be ashamed of us!
Daughter: Perfect works for me! Get in and help me!
Scene change, same room at the late time. All the flax is now thread. There is a knock at the door. It opens to the Queen.
Daughter: Oh hello! I finished the spinning!
Queen: Well done! Your wedding has been arranged and will be in a few days.
Daughter: Oh! Can I add my cousins the the list. They have helped me so much and it would do the leave them out.
Queen Of course! I'll put them at your table.
Scene change, wedding. The table is full the queen, mother, daughter, spinsters, and prince.
Prince: Umm, not be be insensitive. But why is your one foot so broad and flat?
First Spinster: It's from the peddle. You know for spinning?
Prince: And why does your lip hang like that?
Second Spinster: Oh! Its from spinning! You know you have to wet the thread!
Prince Right and your thumb?
Third Spinster: Its from twisting the thread. It build up callouses and muscles you know.
Prince: No offense. But sweetie? Could you never spin again? Would that be alright?
Daughter: Oh, its no problem dear. (aside to spinsters and mother) Well, that worked out didn't it?
Author's Note: This story comes from Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Lucy Crane and illustrated by Walter Crane (1886).
I kept the bones of the story the same. Instead focusing on the format, experimenting with a play script style.
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