About Me

(photo information: personal photo of me in Prague; December 2016)
Hi, See that photo? That's me. I'll be the one posting and updating you on this blog. Now, you should probably know a little bit about me before jumping right in, right?
Let's start with the stock college intro. Hi, my name is Elizabeth. I'm a senior from Tulsa, OK. I'm an art history major. Yes, we really do exist. Although there is only about 8 of us at OU and 5 are graduation this semester. So you know one! Congratulations.
I’ll be graduating this spring and by the end of this semester I’ll know what the future holds. Unfortunately, I have to wait until March/April to hear back from the graduate programs I applied to. Here is the obligatory list of places I applied: University of Houston, Texas Christian University, University of Texas (I know, sacrilege), University of Delaware, Case Western Reserve University, and Georgetown University.
I guess I’ll tell you a little about what I’ll be doing with me degree (hopefully). I want to work in a museum, curating exhibits, doing research, and engaging the public with art. Ideally, I would work with modern and contemporary art, that’s actually what I want to study in grad school: modern and contemporary art along with public sphere theory.
The coolest thing I did last semester was write a paper on the 1972 Edition Olympia [Ghmb]. What is that you ask? It’s a collection of 28 or 35 posters (depending on which series you are counting) that the Organizing Committee for the 1972 Munich Olympic Games commissioned and produced as a means of advertising the upcoming events and producing revenue to fund them. I have over 20 pages about it if anyone is interested. Some of the posters in the series will be on display in the Fred beginning in February. You should go see Fine Print!; Posters from the Permanent Collection. Also, that was shameless self-promotion considering I wrote the labels for and curated a section of the exhibit. Humble brag acknowledged. But, seriously, it’s going to be cool.
Currently, other hobbies include reading (mostly about art), watching TV (favorites include the Great British Baking Show and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), and sleeping (you can never get enough). I also enjoy knitting, drawing, and having a strong stance in favor of the Oxford Comma. Actually, I might be a grandma.


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